Have you ever wondered why certain things happen to you? Why you? Usually, we don’t have the wisdom to understand the reason behind it at that point in time. We may get all sad and dejected, or even frustrated and confused.
But our good Lord will always reveal the reason, in his own time, whenever He deems appropriate. Wait…and you’ll see. =)
Sit back, relax and get comfortable...

Illustrations provided by Elena Kucharik
I have a story to tell. =)
Once upon a time, there lived a tribal king who loved to hunt.
Whenever he went on his hunting trips, he would bring along his able tribesman, who was very good at navigating the forests for game.
One day, while the tribesman was loading the rifle, he accidentally pulled the trigger,
Furious and in pain, the tribal king threw the tribesman into prison,
The tribal king could not understand why he said that, and ignored him.
After recovering from his injured finger, the tribal king went on his hunting trip.
This time, he went alone.

picture from www.bluebison.net
Because he was unfamiliar with the territory, he treaded on forbidden grounds and was captured by another tribe. This tribe was a carnivorous tribe…so you can kinda guess what’s going to happen from here…; P
The tribes people started preparing a cauldron of broth, ready to cook their
new found “food”. (Yikes!)
Picture from http://www.flowrdup.co.uk/
Now, these tribes people had a superstition…they cannot eat any human being who’s not complete. Disgusted and disappointed, they released the tribal king.
Upon his release, the tribal king ran back home gleefully to look for his tribesman locked up in prison.
“Good, it is good! Now, I finally realize why you said that!
The tribal king released him at once, and apologized profusely for locking him up.
The tribesman told him, “No, no, don’t have to apologise! Good, it is good that I was locked up! Cos if I went on the hunting trip with you…guess who would be eaten instead?”
So, scoopers, sometimes the bad may not be that bad, especially when you realise why it happened in the first place.

Illustrations provided by Elena Kucharik
Gentle reminders!
27 April: Parish Assembly 2008 - Many Parts. One Body. One Church.
What time? : 2-6pm.
Where ? : Singapore Swimming Club - The Grand Ballroom Level 2
03 May- Catechists Briefing for our annual recruitment drive!
What time huh? : 2 pm.
Where ah? : RCIA Room
Must I come?: You say leh? Ah-boh den!
10/11 May- Recruitment in Classes (targeted @ parents..heh heh heh... ;P)
17/18 May- Catechist Recruitment Drive! ;D
Great Story. Especially the last line. Reminded me of a story I used once on good luck and bad luck. Thanks
Aw nice to see my drawing of a cauldron used in a story, it's the first time my simple doodles have been used to illustrate anything. Thanks for putting my web address under the pic :-)
x Star Khechara (potion-maker and sort of artist lol)
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