Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Only a bagger?

Not really.

This week, Scoop Shop is featuring someone,
who's willing to make a big difference in small ways...

Picture from www.sodahead.com

Being catechists, we sometimes fall into the mundanity of
going in and out of classes,
doing similar things each week.

Whether we know it or not, we affect the young ones we teach,
through what we say, what we teach, our body language
and who we are -
Friend/Fellow child of God/Soldier for Christ/Faith sharer.

We only have 90 mins each Sat/Sun with the young, impressionable ones,
working out to 360 mins a month- barely 1 full day!

How can we "scoop the ice-cream" differently?

How can we "serve our customers" in a different way?

Nope, we don't have to part any seas, or calm any storms
to cause heads to turn and hearts to stir.
Simple deeds can go a long way...=)

Here's a story to share. Be inspired!

Don't just watch. SEE what you can do too!
Are we only catechists?
Enjoy! =)

The Waffle Cone.

Picture from http://www.haywardsicecream-nh.com/

This week, the ice-cream analysts would like to introduce a new concept to all you scoopers out there! ;)

We were all taught by our momsies and daddies to always remember to say "Thank you" to someone who has been kind to us, or have done us a favour.

God, our daddy in heaven, has never failed to give us gifts every single day of our lives, whether we know it or not. ;P

Let's use our little Scoop Shop to make Him an ice-cream creation to say, a big "Thank you". Let's FILL our Waffle cones with ice-cream and toppings today and everyday! ;D


Get creative! Think out of the cone. =)

picture from www.pdicone.com

Smiling @ a stranger who needs one =

Rainbow sprinklers and M & Ms

Giving your favourite stall's uncle/auntie an affirmation =

1 Scoop of Cookies and Cream

Finishing all the food on your plate =

Freshly cut strawberries/kiwi/bananas

Picture from art.gnome.org

Helping others finish theirs ;P =

Whipped cream, maraschino cherries and chocolate rice

Make PEACE, not war =

3 Scoops of your favourite ice-cream!!

Saying "Its going to be a great day! =) As opposed to "Why do I have to wake up..." =(

= Chocolate sauce and almond nibs

Picture from www.damnilikeit.com

Make your own list and have fun saying thanks! =)
God bless you loads!

1 comment:

Terence said...

Thanks for bringing a smile on my face today. Will keep the lesson in mind, especially we in ministry being in God's service industry.