Thursday 15 May 2008

Come Holy Spirit

God our creator and redeemer
We are privileged to be called your children
Give us the courage to be open to Your Spirit
And be led to follow your ways

Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
Fill our minds, our hearts and our whole being with your Spirit
And let your Spirit be praised for all the good deeds

Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
May your Spirit give us the light to embrace the truth of God
And give us the strength to allow our lives to be directed by the Spirit

Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
May your Spirit of love move within us
And lead us to be true witnesses of Your love and compassion

Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
Fill us with the Spirit of True freedom that comes from
doing God’s will
And lead us to be obedient to your teachings

Send forth your Spirit, O Lord
Fill us with the Spirit of humility and service
And inspire us with Your example

Bless us Lord with the life of your Spirit and renew us
Keep us from stumbling and fall
Protect us and give us your healing grace

A prayer for our confirmands