Saturday, 12 April 2008

You've been shortlisted!

Dearest Scoopers,
Happy Easter!

Hope yours is filled with many new beginnings!
Thank you for sending in your resumes.
After careful consideration and much pondering,

you've been selected for an interview with God.

Some of you may have gone thru it before,
you may take this opportunity to renew your contracts. =)
Going for it again may give rise to new perspectives,
or serve as a gentle reminder.

For the newbies, enjoy the conversation and good luck!


The Scoop Shoop

NEW FLAVOUR for this Easter!

Our Con 3 Catechist Mark Ortega and his lovely wife have a brand new addition to their family!

We invite the lil' one who was born on 12 April @ 8.30pm into our scoop shop!

Welcome Little Benjamin!!

Some extra toppings for you to enjoy!

Nowadays, young people especially, want to see.

You speak of love, you speak of prayer.

They want to know how YOU live and how YOU pray,

and what compassion means to you. That is how they judge.

How YOU really live the life of a co-worker,

a carrier of God's love.

-Mother Teresa.

picture from


Just to give you guys a heads-up, please emboss and mark these days on your memories!

03 May- Catechists Briefing for our annual recruitment drive!

What time huh? : 2 pm.

Where ah? : RCIA Room

Must I come?: You say leh? Ah-boh den!

10/11 May- Recruitment in Classes (targeted @ parents..heh heh heh... ;P)

17/18 May- Catechist Recruitment Drive! ;D

Just wanna say thank you catechists for being an inspiration to so many little ones out there!

There may be times when we feel tired, or that we can't carry on any longer...

We may be so tempted to throw in the towel, because we lose sight of the focus.

May this song encourage you once again...remember that He is the King,

even during times of floods!

Be still, know that He is God and He will show you the way, because you trust. =)


Hide me now, under your wings

Cover me, within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with you above the storm

Father you are king over the flood

I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul, in Christ alone

Know his power In quietness and trust



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