Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Only a bagger?

Not really.

This week, Scoop Shop is featuring someone,
who's willing to make a big difference in small ways...

Picture from www.sodahead.com

Being catechists, we sometimes fall into the mundanity of
going in and out of classes,
doing similar things each week.

Whether we know it or not, we affect the young ones we teach,
through what we say, what we teach, our body language
and who we are -
Friend/Fellow child of God/Soldier for Christ/Faith sharer.

We only have 90 mins each Sat/Sun with the young, impressionable ones,
working out to 360 mins a month- barely 1 full day!

How can we "scoop the ice-cream" differently?

How can we "serve our customers" in a different way?

Nope, we don't have to part any seas, or calm any storms
to cause heads to turn and hearts to stir.
Simple deeds can go a long way...=)

Here's a story to share. Be inspired!

Don't just watch. SEE what you can do too!
Are we only catechists?
Enjoy! =)

The Waffle Cone.

Picture from http://www.haywardsicecream-nh.com/

This week, the ice-cream analysts would like to introduce a new concept to all you scoopers out there! ;)

We were all taught by our momsies and daddies to always remember to say "Thank you" to someone who has been kind to us, or have done us a favour.

God, our daddy in heaven, has never failed to give us gifts every single day of our lives, whether we know it or not. ;P

Let's use our little Scoop Shop to make Him an ice-cream creation to say, a big "Thank you". Let's FILL our Waffle cones with ice-cream and toppings today and everyday! ;D


Get creative! Think out of the cone. =)

picture from www.pdicone.com

Smiling @ a stranger who needs one =

Rainbow sprinklers and M & Ms

Giving your favourite stall's uncle/auntie an affirmation =

1 Scoop of Cookies and Cream

Finishing all the food on your plate =

Freshly cut strawberries/kiwi/bananas

Picture from art.gnome.org

Helping others finish theirs ;P =

Whipped cream, maraschino cherries and chocolate rice

Make PEACE, not war =

3 Scoops of your favourite ice-cream!!

Saying "Its going to be a great day! =) As opposed to "Why do I have to wake up..." =(

= Chocolate sauce and almond nibs

Picture from www.damnilikeit.com

Make your own list and have fun saying thanks! =)
God bless you loads!

Monday, 21 April 2008

Good! It is good!

Hey there!

Have you ever wondered why certain things happen to you? Why you? Usually, we don’t have the wisdom to understand the reason behind it at that point in time. We may get all sad and dejected, or even frustrated and confused.

But our good Lord will always reveal the reason, in his own time, whenever He deems appropriate. Wait…and you’ll see. =)

Sit back, relax and get comfortable...

Illustrations provided by Elena Kucharik

I have a story to tell. =)
Once upon a time, there lived a tribal king who loved to hunt.
Whenever he went on his hunting trips, he would bring along his able tribesman,
who was very good at navigating the forests for game.

One day, while the tribesman was loading the rifle, he accidentally pulled the trigger,

and he shot at the tribal king’s last finger.

Upon seeing what he had done, the tribesman said, “Good, it is good!”

Furious and in pain, the tribal king threw the tribesman into prison,
banishing him from his future hunting trips.

But the tribesman said again, “Good, it is good!”
The tribal king could not understand why he said that, and ignored him.

After recovering from his injured finger, the tribal king went on his hunting trip.
This time, he went alone.

picture from www.bluebison.net

Because he was unfamiliar with the territory, he treaded on forbidden grounds and was captured by another tribe. This tribe was a carnivorous tribe…so you can kinda guess what’s going to happen from here…; P

The tribes people started preparing a cauldron of broth, ready to cook their
new found “food”. (Yikes!)

Picture from http://www.flowrdup.co.uk/

While they were inspecting the tribal king, they found that he was short of a finger!

Now, these tribes people had a superstition…they cannot eat any human being who’s not complete. Disgusted and disappointed, they released the tribal king.

Upon his release, the tribal king ran back home gleefully to look for his tribesman locked up in prison.
“Good, it is good! Now, I finally realize why you said that!

My life was spared because of the accident!”

The tribal king released him at once, and apologized profusely for locking him up.
The tribesman told him, “No, no, don’t have to apologise! Good, it is good that I was locked up! Cos if I went on the hunting trip with you…guess who would be eaten instead?”

So, scoopers, sometimes the bad may not be that bad, especially when you realise why it happened in the first place.

Hope this will put a smile on your face this Monday morning.

Wake up with a positive mind, and tell yourself, Good! It is good!

Illustrations provided by Elena Kucharik

Gentle reminders!

27 April: Parish Assembly 2008 - Many Parts. One Body. One Church.

What time? : 2-6pm.
Where ? : Singapore Swimming Club - The Grand Ballroom Level 2


03 May- Catechists Briefing for our annual recruitment drive!

What time huh? : 2 pm.
Where ah? : RCIA Room
Must I come?: You say leh? Ah-boh den!
10/11 May- Recruitment in Classes (targeted @ parents..heh heh heh... ;P)
17/18 May- Catechist Recruitment Drive! ;D

God Bless!

Saturday, 12 April 2008

You've been shortlisted!

Dearest Scoopers,
Happy Easter!

Hope yours is filled with many new beginnings!
Thank you for sending in your resumes.
After careful consideration and much pondering,

you've been selected for an interview with God.

Some of you may have gone thru it before,
you may take this opportunity to renew your contracts. =)
Going for it again may give rise to new perspectives,
or serve as a gentle reminder.

For the newbies, enjoy the conversation and good luck!


The Scoop Shoop

NEW FLAVOUR for this Easter!

Our Con 3 Catechist Mark Ortega and his lovely wife have a brand new addition to their family!

We invite the lil' one who was born on 12 April @ 8.30pm into our scoop shop!

Welcome Little Benjamin!!

Some extra toppings for you to enjoy!

Nowadays, young people especially, want to see.

You speak of love, you speak of prayer.

They want to know how YOU live and how YOU pray,

and what compassion means to you. That is how they judge.

How YOU really live the life of a co-worker,

a carrier of God's love.

-Mother Teresa.

picture from www.wf-f.org/WFFResource/Mother%20Teresa-1.jpg


Just to give you guys a heads-up, please emboss and mark these days on your memories!

03 May- Catechists Briefing for our annual recruitment drive!

What time huh? : 2 pm.

Where ah? : RCIA Room

Must I come?: You say leh? Ah-boh den!

10/11 May- Recruitment in Classes (targeted @ parents..heh heh heh... ;P)

17/18 May- Catechist Recruitment Drive! ;D

Just wanna say thank you catechists for being an inspiration to so many little ones out there!

There may be times when we feel tired, or that we can't carry on any longer...

We may be so tempted to throw in the towel, because we lose sight of the focus.

May this song encourage you once again...remember that He is the King,

even during times of floods!

Be still, know that He is God and He will show you the way, because you trust. =)



Hide me now, under your wings

Cover me, within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with you above the storm

Father you are king over the flood

I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul, in Christ alone

Know his power In quietness and trust

