This week, Scoop Shop is featuring someone,

We only have 90 mins each Sat/Sun with the young, impressionable ones,

The Waffle Cone.

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This week, the ice-cream analysts would like to introduce a new concept to all you scoopers out there! ;)
We were all taught by our momsies and daddies to always remember to say "Thank you" to someone who has been kind to us, or have done us a favour.
God, our daddy in heaven, has never failed to give us gifts every single day of our lives, whether we know it or not. ;P
Let's use our little Scoop Shop to make Him an ice-cream creation to say, a big "Thank you". Let's FILL our Waffle cones with ice-cream and toppings today and everyday! ;D
Get creative! Think out of the cone. =)

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Smiling @ a stranger who needs one =
Rainbow sprinklers and M & Ms
Giving your favourite stall's uncle/auntie an affirmation =
1 Scoop of Cookies and Cream
Finishing all the food on your plate =
Freshly cut strawberries/kiwi/bananas

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Helping others finish theirs ;P =
Whipped cream, maraschino cherries and chocolate rice
Make PEACE, not war =
3 Scoops of your favourite ice-cream!!
Saying "Its going to be a great day! =) As opposed to "Why do I have to wake up..." =(
= Chocolate sauce and almond nibs

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Make your own list and have fun saying thanks! =)
God bless you loads!