But when each evening ends, I laugh to myself on the way home thinking over their in ane nun jokes and hilarious fish jokes, and shivered a little when I realized that they remind me of myself at their age only worse – skeptical, cynical, quick tempered (maybe still a little), impatient with the world, and feeling like a hero without a cause.
Each of them pledged to be each other’s fellow journeymen on their journey of faith just as we ought to be for one another. Sometimes it is hard to know where to go or do and although we have been exhorted time and again to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit she tends to be inaudibly soft.
I remember that many years ago I asked a priest how would I know that all the things I have been working at so far is something God wants, he said, “You have not been struck dead right? You must be doing something right.” Talk about living dangerously!
Matthew 19:14: Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. In many ways, these teens are children in their faith and we adults bear a heavy responsibility to welcome, nurture, encourage and empower them. I am grateful that I had a priest who through my years as a young adult taught me that the God’s youth needed ample room, literally and metaphysically, to explore their faith, discover their identity, and act on it.
What now with these youth whom I spend an evening with each week? The parish is known for its wealthy parishioners but surely there must be something more which they can give. I rejoice that the young people may in time revive the drooping (if not already paralysed) youth movement, at the same time, fearful that they may implode into themselves as an insular parochial group tending their own turf, or worse, give up and their energies diverted away from God’s work.

Contributed by Francis Ow, picture of YFs taken by Robert Lim
Prayer for Level 3, RCIC, CGS and home catechesis children receiving their first holy communion on 29 Jul, Sun

Dear Lord Jesus,
We ask for your special blessings on our children who will be receiving this very important Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the 1st time. As you feed them with your body and blood, may they becontinuously nurtured and increase in their faith,always faithful and steadfast in loving you. As they grow and mature, may they come to know that your 'BODYAND BLOOD' is the "Centre of their life"
May their parents and catechists who are journeying with them receive your grace to guide them along the way.
We ask this in your most precious name! AMEN
Contributed by Titiek, HF Catechist Coordinator