Dear Scoop Shop fans,
Here’s your lite dessert this week!
Here’s your lite dessert this week!
Enjoy the smoothies and delectable goodies that will come your way every alternate week!
Enjoy it before it melts!
The Scoop Factory
Enjoy it before it melts!
The Scoop Factory

Peace was Jesus’ first word to His beloved disciples after His resurrection. Today, our Risen Lord continues to offer us His gift of peace! St. Paul tells us that prayer is key in attaining God’s peace:
“Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
An encounter with two nuns from the Little Sisters of the Poor proved that prayer works wonders! As the nuns shared about their experiences with the elderly in their hospice, there was a deep sense of peace and tranquility that radiated from within. Despite having to constantly grapple with suffering and death (the average age of their patients is above 90), the nuns remain strong. Prayer is unsurprisingly their secret!
Before Jesus sends us out to do His work, like the disciples, He first offers us His peace. Only when we are at peace with God and with ourselves can we work to build His Kingdom. Let us never get so caught up with the work that we fail to make time for prayer. For it’s in the silence of our hearts that we hear His gentle whisper, “Peace be with you!”
May the Peace of our Risen Lord dwell in your heart today and always!
- Contributed by Francesca Lee, 26 April 07
1 comment:
Francesca! I agree with you.
I think we cannot have faith without paryers because that is the way to talk to God.
It is nice to be able to feel God's peace at the prayer even when you are not saying any words:)
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