Essence of Lent

To understand the whole nature of Lent, there are two ESSENTIAL themes any Catholic should know: the first being the recollection of baptismal promises and the second, repentance. In addition, there are three main things we practise during Lent – PRAYING, FASTING and ALMSGIVING.
Let’s look at REPENTANCE. Yes, this word sounds rather downbeat and all too depressing. Nah, it’s nothing like that. Sometimes, we approach the whole nature of repentance the wrong way. When one repents, one rethinks his past actions and also takes on new courses of action. What’s the consequence of repentance? You’re accepting God’s invitation to place yourself before Him so that He can transform you in love - think of water changing into wine. Wonderful!
FASTING (or Abstinence). Contrary to what many believe, the ability to abstain comes only when God allows it, not out of his or her own free will. Seek guidance and permission from God to practise abstinence. Give up practices that hold you in bondage. At times, the things we give up are not bad in themselves but rather, out of balance.
Abstinence from certain foods is less complicated than abstinence from negative behaviour and actions. How many of you have supposed “toxic” colleagues in your office? Abstain from judging them or giving them the little finger. Smile at them! Abstain from being glued to CSI Las Vegas or Days of Our Lives (horror of horrors!). Use the time to pray a little more; communication is the key to flowing and growing love in all relationships!
I prefer to see this as COMPASSIONATE MINISTRY.Remember the Good Samaritan? Take some time out for those who need you. Abstain from buying 3 pairs of branded shoes during these 40 days; instead buy cheaper pairs or not at all (I can imagine many ladies rolling their eyes now) and give the money saved to the needy. Cut down your time playing online games and use the time to research on which charity you might want to help during this Lent? Extend compassion to your enemies. The outcome? A more compassionate heart and a highly possible solidarity with the needy!
Lent has never been so important to me this year. God has been good to me through all the adversity and blessings but unfortunately, it has taken me a long time to realize that I’ve not embraced the all-encompassing significance of Lent. To all who say “It seems so fake” and “Why only in Lent..?”, let’s refocus: It is about God’s abundant love. It is about compassion, contrition and change.
“Father, change my heart this time.” Amen.

(Joel 2:13)
-Contributed by Bernadette Yew, 26 Feb 2007
A Different Approach to Fasting...Fasts have a tendency to be oriented toward things like giving up food or television. But there are many other creative ways we can welcome Jesus' healing touch.
Here are suggestions you may want to consider:
1. Fast from anger and hatred. Give your family an extra dose of love each day.
2. Fast from judging others. Before making any judgments, recall how Jesus overlooks our faults.
3. Fast from discouragement. Hold on to Jesus' promise that He has a perfect plan for your life.
4. Fast from complaining. When you find yourself about to complain, close your eyes and recall some of the little moments of joy Jesus has given you.
5. Fast from resentment or bitterness! Work on forgiving those who may have hurt you.
6. Fast from spending too much money. Try to reduce your spending by ten percent and give those savings to the poor.
The Pursuit of Happyness (2007)
This is a story about perseverance especially for the destitute and the marginalised. It's also about making things happen in our lives, and not just waiting for that something to happen. Takes a lot of WILL power if you know what I mean... ;p
Screening in theatres NOW!
More Reviews:
Watch the Trailer!!
- Contributed by Alvin Tan, 4 Mar 2007
We welcome all members of the catechetical ministry to come for these sessions by the Cenacle Sisters specially arranged by the Formation Committee. In order to create a vibrant community of faith builders, we must first build a strong foundation in ourselves.
Please submit the reply slip indicating your attendance for these sessions (available in email sent last week or through your level coordinators).
11 March 2007, Sunday
“Myself: My gift to this ministry”
Time: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Holy Family 4th floor, Canteen
5 May 2007, Saturday
“My Prayer Life/Teaching Children how to pray”
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Holy Family 4th floor, Canteen
27 May 2007, Sunday
“You are a Gift to our Catechetical Ministry”
Time: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Holy Family 4th floor, Canteen
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