In August and September this year, our confirmation 2 teens had a first hand experience with the aged at St Teresa’s Home for 5 consecutive weeks as part of their Service Learning Project. Instead of the usual catechism lesson in the parish, about 70 youth were packed into 2 buses and spent at least 3 hours every week interacting and bringing Jesus to the aunties and uncles at the home. In the course of the 5 weeks, the teens overcame the communication barrier and made friends with the residents. They shared their life stories and brought much joy to these lonely old folks. The teens were also tasked to find out the Christmas wishes of each resident and were also challenged to request the residents to sing a song to them. Every week our teens also spent half an hour praying the rosary with the residents in the chapel situated at the home. The teens and the residents reluctantly say goodbye to each other at the end of the 5th week. It was a sad and emotional moment with lots of hugs, kisses and well wishes but most importantly of all was the promise to be back to make their wish come true for Christmas.

Back at Holy Family Church, the catechists, youth facilitators and teens reflected on the purpose of this Service Project and decided to do a fund raising weekend at our parish in order to have enough funds to throw a Christmas Party and buy the presents for the old folks. The teens had great fun gathering together to shop and wrap the gifts after their final term examination.

As promised on 22 November 08, the con 2 catechists, youth facilitators, parents and teens headed back to St Teresa’s Home. The Saturday and Sunday teens took turns to perform for the old folks.

Last but not least, the St Mary’s choir of Holy Family brought more hope, joy and love to the old folks through their Christmas carols.