About 1,800 youth from 25 parishes in Singapore were at the Toa Payoh Sports Hall to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and be witnesses to the ends of the earth ACT1V8 on 18 October 08.
AYD08 was a living testimony of what our catholic youth could do at parish and archdiocesan level. Brother Derrick and Shireen, our very young, witty and hilarious emcees kick started the whole event. In the opening address, Archbishop Nicholas Chia expressed his pleasure to be with the youth and said that “A shepherd must always be with his sheep”. Our guest speaker, Bishop Rolando Tria-Tirona of the Philippines, also reminded us to be generous in using the gifts God has given us now.

Undeniably, the music and singing of the worship team, Zion Joy touched many hearts present that night. Most importantly, our youth witnessed for themselves a true catholic praise and worship without the jumping and shouting on stage. These actions are often mistaken by youth as praise and worship. A member of the Zion Joy testified that they are not professional musicians but only long time friends who got together regularly after their confirmation to praise God through music.

Another group of youth called Walk on Water, the drama ministry from the Church of St Anthony also put up a spectacular skit at the rally. In the course of the music, rapping and the light hearted dialogue, the two opposing groups of youth in the drama depicted the vulnerability of our youth in their search of identity in the material world and how our willingness to open ourselves to the gifts of the Holy Spirit can bring about unity, peace and joy in the community.
After seeing so much, we also heard from our youth Brandon who shared about his rebellious teenage years and the car accident which made him realize the presence of God in his life as his protector and saviour.

AYD08 has opened my eyes to the potential of our youth in the Archdiocese of Singapore and a deeper understanding of the youth scene in my parish. It brought to mind the amount of influence that a youth minister can have on their youth. Thank God for blessing me, the catechists, youth facilitators and the 39 confirmands with this awe inspiring experience.